Thank you so much for giving me this experience; it is one that I will carry with me for a lifetime.
— Kellie, 28 (Pana Con Prana 2019)

Pana is a word that can be translated to “my group, crew; my people/homies.” Prana is the sanskrit word for “energy, vitality, life force.”

Pana Con Prana = Group with Spirit

A time for introspection

Savasana under the palm trees.

Las comunas

Your guides on this trip are people who are dedicated to the health and wellness of their communities. We believe that yoga and mindfulness are for everybody and that no one should be held back from their own unique journey. We also know that for those not deep in a yoga practice of their own, it can feel intimidating and unavailable; that’s why we’ll tailor the yoga practice to the experience and needs of the group. From a breath-focused hatha practice, to restorative yoga, to powerful flows and peak poses, we will craft each practice so that it is suitable for all levels of practitioners in our group. Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned yogi, our combined knowledge and expertise will create a space where everyone is safe and feels comfortable to explore.

This retreat combines adventure and vacation with yoga and personal exploration. We want to offer you something that gets you out of your comfort zone and lets you relax; an experience that deepens your connection with your self and with the people around you. Some of us will start off as strangers to each other, but we’ll all end up one close-knit pana.

Chiva Party Bus